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Jessica Victoria - Founder/Executive Director

Jessica Victoria graduated from Niagara College’s Journalism program in 2016 and has also taken multiple psychology/mental health courses and trainings, including Mental Health First Aid and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. 

Jessica has personal experience with anxiety and mild depression, as well as a physical disability. She is also a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. She loves helping people through her knowledge and experiences.


Cassandra Muileboom - Marketing Committee Chair

Cassandra Muileboom is a passionate advocate for creating Safe Spaces and fostering inclusivity in the digital realm. As a spoken word poet, writer, and social media guru, Cassandra brings a unique blend of creativity and empathy to their role. She’s also a future therapist, driven by a humanistic approach and a desire to help individuals on their personal journeys. Her commitment to fostering Safe Spaces extends beyond the digital realm, as she strives to create a world where kindness, compassion, and understanding thrive.


Rae Vanille - Board Member

Rae Vanille (they/them) is a non-binary neurodivergent artist, researcher, and activist from Anishinabewaki Treaty 9 Territory (Hearst in Northern Ontario). They have a background in linguistic anthropology and are passionate about animal, environmental, and human rights, evident in their work in research and policy. Rae is proud to be serving as a board member for the Niagara 2SLGBTQQIA+ community.